The Opening Session of the 10th Turkish Wind Energy Congress was held at the Sheraton Ankara Hotel and also streamed online under the name of TWEC#10GW+.
In the congress, which was held with the title of “The Wind After 10 GW”, with over 1000 participants, pointing to the transition to 10 thousand MW installed power in the wind sector, Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Fatih Dönmez, Chairman of the Parliamentary Industry, Trade, Energy, Natural Resources, Information and Technology Commission Ziya Altunyaldız and TWEA Chairman Ebru Arıcı made the opening speeches.
During the Opening Ceremony, a live broadcast was made to the Bağlama Wind Power Plant owned by Fiba Energy in the Gevaş district of Van, where 10 GW was exceeded, and a representative opening ceremony was held.