Page 82 - TÜREB Rüzgar Sanayisi Kataloğu 2020
P. 82



          Schaeffler Çözümü                                     Reliability made by Schaeffler                                 Schaeffler  has  comprehensive  testing  facilities  for
                                                                                                                               creating WEC, analyzing the causes, and developing
          Optimize edilmiş rüzgar türbinleri, güvenilir çözümler   Cost-effective  wind  turbines  require  reliable           solution concepts for reducing the risk of WEC. The
          gerektirir.                                           components.  As  one  of  the  world’s  leading                solution that Schaeffler recommends is to use through
                                                                manufacturers of rolling bearings and a development            hardened,  black  oxide  coated  rolling  bearings.  The
          Schaeffler her rüzgar türbinine yönelik doğru çözüm   partner for the sector we have been producing                  advantages that our Durotect B coating system offers
          ve güvenlik için entegre konsept sunar:               bearing supports for wind turbines for over 30 years.          include increased protection against WEC, which has
                                                                We offer the right bearing solution for every wind             been statistically verified by extensive experience in
          •   Gelişmiş hesaplama ve simülasyon programlarıyla   turbine and an integrated concept for safety.                  the field.
             optimal tasarım
                                                                •   Schaeffler Wind Power Standard                             We  offer  products  and  services  for all aspects  of
          •   Dünyanın en büyük ve güçlü rulman test donanımı   •   Optimum design with state-of-the-art calculation           condition  monitoring,  e.g.  remote  monitoring  and
             olan “Astraios” ile gerçek koşullar canlandırılarak   and simulation programs                                     diagnosis,  offline measurements, endoscopy,
             yapılan testler                                                                                                   thermography, and torque measurement. This means
                                                                •   Realistic tests on Schaeffler’s ASTRAIOS
          •   Uzun  çalışma  ömrü  sunan  rulman  çözümleri;                                                                   the costs for maintenance activities can be reduced
             örneğin, rotor milleri için optimize edilmiş oynak   •   Innovative solutions for preventing white etching        and the availability of wind turbines can be increased.
             makaralı büyük çaplı rulmanlar                        cracks (WEC)
          •   Sürekli kondisyon izleme özelliği ile artan çalışma   •   High  equipment  availability  due  to  condition

                                                                With our highest quality standard for products and
                                                                processes we ensure optimum quality and reliability
                                                                worldwide, and provide the wind power sector with
                                                                quality standards that we have already successfully
                                                                established  in the  automotive  and  aerospace
                                                                industries. We work closely with our customers and
                                                                suppliers throughout  the  entire  process  chain  to
                                                                ensure that our high standards are met.

                                                                Our specialists work in close cooperation with wind
                                                                turbine  developers,  manufacturers,  and  operators.
                                                                State-of-the-art calculation and simulation programs
                                                                ensure that optimum designs for bearings for wind
                                                                power applications are produced. The entire system
                                                                is considered, from individual  rolling  bearings
                                                                and their components and adjacent  construction
                                                                through to the  entire  power transmission system,
                                                                which is displayed and optimized using multi-body
             Adres / Address  Saray Mah. Ömer Faik Atakan Cad. Yılmaz   simulation programs developed in-house.
                              Plaza No:3 34768 Ümraniye / İSTANBUL

                Tel. / Phone  + 90 212 385 35 59                One  of  the  world’s  largest,  most  up-to-date,  and
                      Fax     + 90 212 284 32 48                most powerful large-size bearing test rigs enables
                    E-Mail    [email protected]            large-size bearings of up to 15 tons and with outside
                     Web             diameters up to 3.5 meters to be tested. ASTRAIOS
              Profil / Profile  Rulman, gres, montaj - demontaj, kestirimci bakım  simulates the real loads and moments that occur in
                              Bearing, gres, assembly / Deassemly, predictive  a wind turbine. This means we are making a major
                              maintenance                       contribution to shortening development  times  for
              Ciro / Turnover  N/A
         İstihdam / Employees  -                                wind turbines, as well as making the design process
                                                                                                                   Yüksek Güvenilirlik
    Kuruluş Yılı / Founding Year  1883                          more reliable and increasing the cost-effectiveness                                                                                                               
                                                                and safety of these turbines.

                                                                                                                                                                      Schaeffler Çözümü

                                                                                                                                                                      Optimize edilmiş rüzgar türbinleri, güvenilir çözümler gerektirir.
                                                                                                                                                                      Schaeffler her rüzgar türbinine yönelik doğru çözüm ve güvenlik
                                                                                                                                                                      için entegre konsept sunar:
                                                                                                                                                                      •  Gelişmiş hesaplama ve simülasyon programlarıyla optimal tasarım
                                                                                                                                                                      •  Dünyanın en büyük ve güçlü rulman test donanımı olan “Astraios”
                                                                                                                                                                        ile gerçek koşullar canlandırılarak yapılan testler
                                                                                                                                                                      •  Uzun çalışma ömrü sunan rulman çözümleri; örneğin, rotor milleri
                                                                                                                                                                        için optimize edilmiş oynak makaralı büyük çaplı rulmanlar
                                                                                                                                                                      •  Sürekli kondisyon izleme özelliği ile artan çalışma süreleri

                                                                                                                                                                      Güvenilirlik: Schaeffler’in Rüzgar Gücü Standardı
                                                                                                                                                                      Mühendislik uzmanlığımızı paylaşalım!
                                                                                                                                    Yeni: Daha uzun çalışma ömrü ile
                                                                                                                                    optimize edilmiş FAG rulmanları

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